January marks a fresh start, but it’s also the perfect time to reflect on the past year. Join us as we showcase our favorite captures of 2024, spanning January to December—proof that keeping your trail cameras active year-round can truly yield incredible footage. These remarkable moments, captured by SPYPOINT cameras across North America, are presented in chronological order, with some special words from the camera owners. Here’s to another year of unforgettable captures in 2025!
1. Image credit: Lance LaRock
Camera: FLEX G-36
Location: Upper Peninsula of Michigan, U.S.A.
“This is a Golden Eagle, which are not in abundance in the U.P. of Michigan, but I’ve been lucky to get this guy three years in a row. They spend half of their time perched on something to conserve energy because of their size.”
2. Image Credit: Bradley Ryan
Camera: FLEX-S
Location: Eastern Newfoundland, Canada.
“This cow moose was captured with a FLEX-S on a cutover in the aftermath of a snowstorm in Boreal Forest on the Avalon Peninsula.”
3. Image credit: Lance LaRock
Camera: FLEX
Location: Upper Peninsula of Michigan, U.S.A.
“Here, we have a Michigan grey wolf out searching for a venison meal. Before this, I saw tracks in the area, along with an older deer kill, and decided to hang a camera. I didn’t have much luck at first, so I ended up moving the camera three different times before he finally showed himself.”
4. Image credit: David Tyler
Camera: FLEX-S
Location: New Hampshire, U.S.A.
“I’ve had a SPYPOINT camera on this tree for several years now and it always seems to produce some good strutting tom shots.”
5. Image credit: Lance Larock
Location: Upper Peninsula of Michigan, U.S.A.
“The landing is clear!”
6. Image credit: Lance Larock
Location: Upper Peninsula of Michigan, U.S.A.
“A little ‘peek-a-boo' during March mating season! Before capturing this, I’d seen turkey tracks along the edge of the river and figured I'd hang a camera alongside of it to see how many there were. This spot has turned out to be ideal as there are turkeys going by almost every day.”
7. Video credit: Floor Terpstra
Location: British Colunmbia, Canada.
“A beautiful female bobcat cruising past my new setup at the boulder field during a spring squall.”
8. Image credit: Gregory Henderson
Location: Southern New Jersey
“This mom was leading her little ones to a safer area upstream for the summer. She actually had two fawns, and I had pics of them growing up here all summer!”
9. Image credit: Alex Wangeman
Camera: FLEX-M
Location: Northwest Michigan
“One of my favorite captures... I had the camera set up to keep track of who was accessing the property as well as any wildlife in the area. It didn’t take long to start getting pics of a mother whitetail doe with her twin fawns. They would cross through this area many times during the day, must have been bedding close to there. I believe I received a photo of the doe with her hair standing up, which told me danger was near, but I didn’t know what. Next photo I got was the one above! She went full momma beast mode and chased off that coyote that was trying to get her fawns. In the following days I got pictures of the doe and her two fawns, so I think she did the trick and spooked that coyote for good.”
10. Video credit: Jonathan Masters
Camera: FLEX-M
Location: Central Virginia, U.S.A.
“This is a high traffic area that me and my middle daughter found and put a camera on last spring in hopes to catch what was coming through. Never in a million years would I have thought the angle and everything would capture such a great video!”
11. Image credit: Stephen Rhyne
Camera: FLEX G-36
Location: Southeast Texas, U.S.A.
“’Wait for me, momma!” A fawn tags along behind its mother on a hot spring day in May.”
12. Image credit: Chad Recker
Camera: FLEX G-36
Location: Southwest Ontario, Canada.
“This photo (I call it, "The Hitchiker") was taken at a private farm which allows multiple people to hunt the small, wooded field edges. This particular doe was in several photos with her fawn in early June (June 06) 2024.”
13. Image credit: Chris Redell
Camera: FORCE-PRO-S 2.0
Location: East-central Missouri, U.S.A.
“On a warm July morning, a majestic red-tailed hawk gracefully swoops down toward the local watering hole.”
14. Video credit: Chris and Jessica Therriault
Camera: FLEX G-36
Location: Montana, U.S.A.
“A black bear shows nice backstroke technique in a large natural spring pond/wallow that dries up in early fall.”
15. Video credit: Chris and Jessica Therriault
Camera: FLEX
Location: Montana, U.S.A.
“Fire blazing in the distance, a bull elk steals a drink.”
16. Video credit: Chris and Jessica Therriault
Camera: FLEX
Location: Montana, U.S.A.
“A frequent visitor to this secret wallow, a bull elk takes it easy on a summer day.”
17. Image credit: Jim F. Senior
Camera: FLEX-M
Location: Central Mississippi, U.S.A.
“This was a late summer setup for the SPYPOINT FLEX-M, mounted on one of our plot pods... overlooking a Rack-Getter mineral site.”
18. Video credit: Presley Straub
Camera: FLEX-S
Location: Central Montana, U.S.A.
“Velvet mule deer, calm before the storm.”
19. Photo credit: Dave R.
Camera: LM2
Location: North-central Pennsylvania
“This was taken near the last stand my dad and I put up together. Unfortunately, he passed away in 2022. It was also taken on his birthday, when he would have been 77. I liked the location and put a Rack-Getter Scents Drip Bag there and, here, three bucks enjoyed the minerals from it.”
20. Video credit: Dave Bolduc
Camera: FORCE-PRO-S 2.0
Location: Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada
“In this video, a 1.5-year-old buck is at a disadvantage due to the wind, which prevents him from detecting the scent of danger. Having no visuals either, he’s reacting to a suspicious noise with caution, remaining on his guard and only issuing warnings.”
21. Video credit: Floor Terpstra
Location: British Columbia, Canada
“Some of my favourite mountain lion footage that I’ve been lucky enough to capture over the years. This gorgeous individual is a female that recently showed up in one of my areas with 2 almost fully grown kittens in tow. Feeling grateful to be able to document moments like this. Make sure to turn up your volume for this one!”
22. Image credit: Team Faunik
Camera: FLEX-M
Location: Quebec, Canada
“We're tired of seeing this coyote chase our deer, but this shot from our camera is gorgeous. Captured in the middle of a howl!”
23. Video credit: Brent Murdoch
Location: Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
“These blue jays were caught by this camera that is in a "permanent" forest location right next to the Thames River (a notable body of water that flows southwest for 273 kilometres through southern Ontario).”
24. Image credit: Chris Mccallum
Camera: FLEX-S
Location: Northeast Washington, U.S.A.
“Standing on a rock getting a view of the surrounding area. A coyote I captured in the open burn country of NE Washington while looking for mule deer during archery season.”
25. Video credit: Dustin Riggs
Camera: FLEX-M
Location: Northeast Indiana, U.S.A.
“Beautiful morning sunrise with a buck working a licking branch.”
26. Image credit: Dave Buldoc
Camera: FORCE-PRO-S 2.0
Location: Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Quebec, Canada
“Several cameras are installed at this location, including this one. This is a small island used by deer as a resting place. However, many other species also leave their scent here, including bear, moose and coyote.”
27. Video credit: Presley Straub
Camera: FLEX-S
Location: Central Montana, U.S.A.
“Chaos in the woods. I believe the deer/elk were scattered from a predator/hunter. A bugle that late in the season could be location/gather bugle or a cow went into a late estrus cycle causing the bulls to rut a little.”
28. Image credit: Tony Morin
Camera: FLEX-S
Location: Lanark Country, Ontario, Canada
“We have been watching this deer for years. So much so that we consider him part of the family. We used a photo of him standing in a light snowstorm as a Xmas card two years ago. He has truly become more photogenic.”
29. Video credit: Barry Eley
Camera: FLEX
Location: Southeast Ohio, U.S.A.
“Lots of turkey on the property and I was just lucky enough for them to walk by my camera. What made it even more awesome was the snow on the ground!”
30. Video credit: Dan Rensel
Camera: FLEX G-36
Location: Western Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
“This video was captured at one of my mock scrape vine locations. I tend to believe that all the natural scent from the deer that were on that vine was driving this coyote crazy! I was definitely shocked when I watched this for the first time!”