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The Top Blogs of 2022

The Top Blogs of 2022

Well, it's that time of year. Time to start looking back and compiling lists of the good and bad that we endured, what we want to change, and how next year will be different. We wanted to take a minute to look back at what interested you in 2022, so here are the top blogs for the year, based on traffic. Here's to an even better 2023!


#1 - 15 Tips for Hunting Morels

Apparently you all needed a lot of help finding mushrooms this spring, because this one took the top spot by a WIDE margin. There's a lot of good information in here, and hopefully some of you put them to good use. If you didn't, or you missed it, now is the time to start thinking about it. Sure, it's all tinsel and snowflakes now, but you know how fast mud season and mushrooms will be here!

#2 - 3 Reasons You're Terrible at Shed Hunting

Starting to sense a theme here....apparently if they aren't walking around on four legs our readers have trouble finding stuff. Shed hunting can be super frustrating. The weather is against you, the squirrles are against you. The neighbors are against you. It's just not ideal. Especially for small parcel owners. Still, you're probably screwing it up a fair bit on your own. I've seen a few photos of deer starting to drop already so it won't be long. 

#3 - How to Find More Sheds

Sheds must really give you all trouble...because number three was this episode of Building Whitetails talking all about how to find more. Josh knows his stuff when it comes to habitat management, and he'll be the first to tell you that he probably enjoys shed hunting season more than deer season itself. He's got advice for you, and with the pile of sheds he finds every year, you might want to listen, again. 

#4 - How to Hunt Big Bucks In Warm Weather

We all want to fill our tags early, and that usually means battling warm temps right as the season opens. Can it be done? Absolutely, but it isn't like hunting later in the year. Early season patterns present their own set of problems, and apparently, a lot of us ran into them this year. We may be in the freezer now, but when next season opens, no doubt we'll be cursing the mosquitos and be tired of sweating on stand!

#5 - How to Make the Perfect Baked Salmon

Cooking fish is tricky. So tricky in fact this episode of Darn Hungry made our top-5 list of most viewed blogs this year. Most of us hunt deer, some of us turkey hunt, lots of us fish, or trap, or hunt sheds or plant food plots. The one thing we all do? EAT!! Darn Hungry was a fun project and it's been pretty popular, as evidenced by this episode being so popular. This wasn't the only one, several other episodes landed just outside this list. 

Thank you for another great year at Project SPYPOINT, here's hoping for tight lines, and filled tags in 2023!


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