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Darn Hungry - How to Make the Perfect Steak

Making the perfect steak sounds easy. While it isn't difficult, there are certainly ways to do it wrong, or at the very least, new ways you can experiment with.

John kicks off the Darn Hungry series with someone most of us can agree on, a big, thick piece of beef, and an herb sauce to go along with it.

Every episode of Darn Hungry will be different, but with one common theme; great food anybody can make.

Cooking doesn't have to be difficult, you just have to be willing to experiement and try new things, and maybe fall flat every once in a while. Failing is part of the experience of cooking, but riding shotgun with John, he won't steer you wrong. So welcome to the new series and enjoy our tasty adventure. We're going to cover a lot of different types of food over the course of the year, and we hope you give them all a try.

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