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How to Build a Tag Strategy for Hunting Out West - TagHub

How to Build a Tag Strategy for Hunting Out West - TagHub

There aren't many hunters that I've talked to over the years that tell me they have no interest in going out west to hunt. That said, the vast majority those people who have interest, are also overwhelmed with the volume of and difference in regulations to get drawn and properly licensed in those states.

Are you one of these hunters that doesn't know where to start to make your western hunt happen?

Do you wish you had one place you could go to educate yourself?

There are a few options to do exactly that, and our friends at Eastmans' Publishing have one the very best options in their TagHub platform. What Taghub does is way more than I could possibly explain,, so I asked Brandon Mason from Eastmans' to tell us all about it. 

If you're looking at going out west for a hunt, but don't know where to begin, let the wealth of knowledge from everyone at Eastmans' work for you through the TagHub platform. That said, take it away Brandon!

This is TagHub!

To draw a tag or not draw a tag? That is the question. Western big game hunting research has always been something that puzzles the mind and with the influx of hunters into the systems of several western states, the mind puzzle is getting harder to figure out. TagHub is designed to help you narrow your big game hunting tag search and provide you with the best hunting content anywhere.

Western Hunting Research - State by State Breakdowns Here at Eastmans’ we spend as much time, or more, doing our research on drawing tags for elk, mule deer, pronghorn (antelope), moose, sheep, and mountain goat as we spend in the field. In fact, over 2,000 man-hours go into the research we provide to our members in the Members Research Section (MRS) in the Journals (Eastmans’ Hunting Journal & Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal) and in TagHub, the online research tool that is a monster of data and content. The end result is upwards of 750,000 data points of research to help us all draw the tags we want for the fall hunting season this year and in the years to come.

Since western states each have their own systems of records keeping and reporting, we streamline the information for our members and for ourselves so that we each don’t have to decode harvest statistics, draw odds, preference point systems, hunters per square mile, three-year success rates of hunters in the field, season dates, trophy forecasts, tag quotas, license/tag types, terrain difficulty, private land access programs, bull-to-cow and buck-to-doe ratios, number of hunter days in the field on average to be successful per unit, and more.

TagHub has taken our popular Eastmans’ MRS to new levels with its ability to filter data so you can narrow down your application strategy quicker by the criteria you deem necessary.

If you aren’t the type to geek out on sortable data electronically, we’ve also provided you with the full-length tables per species per state that you can print off and hold in your hands on your kitchen table. These tables have exponentially more information in them than we can fit in the pages of the Journals.

TagHub is the comprehensive research tool where we can house all of our data and analysis with no limitations on space and size of the information we provide.

Expert Analysis

Within each state we also provide expert analysis per species based on several factors including our own in-the-field experience, wildlife and land management agency biologists, game wardens, and land managers we communicate with on a regular basis, resident successful hunters in each state, sportsmen’s organizations, and the list goes on and on.

Watch Eastmans’ TV Shows and Videos in TagHub as a Member

TagHub is much more than data, maps, and charts, though. TagHub is also a house of western big game hunting content where you can lose yourself in Eastmans’ Hunting TV even if you don’t have the Outdoor Channel in your home. We put up new episodes of Eastmans’ Hunting TV before they air on the Outdoor Channel and you can watch them as often as you wish.

We also include our popular online series, Beyond The Grid, our bird hunting series Wingmen, and our videos on western big game hunting that used to only be available on DVD. That’s right, Eastmans’ former DVD-only videos are on TagHub, too!

Mike Eastmans’ Best-Selling Books in TagHub Digitally

TagHub is the one and only place you can get all of Mike Eastman’s best selling books on western big game hunting including his books Hunting High Country Mule Deer, Mule Deer Hunting Tactics, Elk Hunting The West Revisited, Hunting Trophy Antelope.

Plus the Mule Deer and Elk Hunting Handbooks are on TagHub with pages and pages of articles and videos with a seemingly endless string of content for entertainment and to help you become a better hunter.

Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal in TagHub

The membership benefits of TagHub include both the print and digital editions of the two largest hunting publications out West: Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal.

Both Journals have 6 issues per year, giving you 12 issues total per year to read in either print or digital format. Stay up to date with gear reviews by our staff on the latest gear and hone your hunting skills with Tips and Tactics from the best out West.

Podcast Central in TagHub

All four of our podcasts, Eastmans’ Elevated, Eastmans’ Predator Pros, the Wingmen podcast, and Flycast, can be listened to on TagHub. The podcasts can scratch your itch on all things big game, predator, wingshooting, and fishing…never a dull moment!

Only Members Win Hunts & Hunting Gear and Get Gear Discounts

Only TagHub members get entered into our monthly drawings for gear packages and top quality hunts out West that are filmed for Eastmans’ Hunting TV. In 2022 alone, we are drawing member names for 2 elk hunts, 2 mule deer hunts, and 2 pronghorn hunts.

TagHub membership includes exclusive access to our Gear Discounts page where you can save big $ on the gear you want and need.

Phew! I’m out of breath after that rundown on TagHub. As you can see, nowhere else will give you the sheer volume of research and content and gear as Eastmans’ TagHub. So what are you waiting for? For only $12.50 per month you can unlock the secret sauce to your next hunt and keep your sanity during the off-season. Join now!

Article by Brandon Mason

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