Try to avoid this list of blunders this deer season.
The rut is an incredible time to deer hunt. But it isn’t a free-for-all where you can make all the mistakes and still fill tags. If anything, now is the time to be blunder free. Here are 15 to avoid.
1. Hunting the Wrong Range
Some deer have different summer, fall, rut, and winter ranges. Others stay in the same areas. That said, if you’re hunting a buck during the rut while it’s elsewhere, that won’t do you much good.
2. Misunderstanding the Peak Rut
Everyone says they want to hunt peak rut. That isn’t exactly the best plan. Generally, the peak rut sees slightly reduced deer movement because bucks are locking down with does. Not all does lock down at once, but there is a week or so where the majority of does enter estrus. The best time is the seven to 10 days leading up to that week.
3. Using rut sign incorrectly
Hunting over a scrape during the rut can produce an opportunity, but the best time to hunt rub and scrape lines is during the pre-rut and first few days of the seeking phase. Hunting scrapes during the peak rut, or even the days leading up to it, is generally less productive.
4. Not hunting the late rut
Don’t give up if you still haven’t filled a tag by the latter days of the rut. This is a time when giants are killed. If you don’t believe me, just look at the record books.
5. Avoiding traditional rut stands
Certain types of stand locations are historical producers during the rut. Benches, pinch points, saddles, and other areas are places to focus on when the hunting gets good.
6. Forgetting about water
Deer drink all year long. But bucks that cover a lot of ground during the rut need to drink. Small, secluded water holes are great options during the rut.
7. Ignoring the weird spots
Bucks tend to push estrus does away from the bulk of the deer herd. This oftentimes leads them to unorthodox places, such as brush piles, small pockets of cover, etc.
8. Not using calls
While blind calling is oftentimes unproductive in some areas, it’s still important to call to deer you see, especially if these are passing by out of range and going away from you. Try subtle calls and increase intensity until they commit and work your way.
9. Failing to deploy the deke
Those who don’t use decoys during the pre-rut and rut will someday see what they’ve been missing. And they’ll kick themselves for not using these sooner.
10. Leaving for lunch
I like a good gravy-smeared biscuit for breakfast. And nothing beats a fat cheeseburger with crispy crinkle fries for lunch. But is it worth missing an opportunity at a big buck?
11. Bouncing around too much
The worst thing you can do for your hunting odds is constantly bounce from stand to stand. Wind and conditions allowing, spend a few days in your best spot, and if it hasn’t produced, then move on.
12. Spending too much time in one spot
On the flip side, you can spend too much time in a spot. If it’s obvious it isn’t happening where you’re at, or if another location is obviously better, make the switch. Go with your gut.
13. Staying home when it’s hot
Don’t let warm weather keep you out of the woods during the rut. Deer are still moving. You can bank on that.
14. Running yourself down
Few hunters can hunt days on end without a break and keep their sanity. Take a short break from hunting to rest. Much better that you take a day off to rest than fall asleep in a treestand.
15. Assuming the rut is a fix-all
Don’t expect the rut to fix all your problems. Bucks might be running like crazy, but they’re still smart. And you still must use hunting knowledge, tactics, and sense to get the job done. You still must be an intelligent, effective hunter to consistently fill buck tags, even during the rut.
Article by Josh Honeycutt