Follow these steps (and more) to enjoy those overnight trips into the wilderness.
Some people are cut out for camping, and some aren’t. If you’re up to the task, or want to learn ways to make the activity more bearable, use the following tips and tactics to make that happen. Remember, a good camping trip is found in everything that leads up to it.
1. Recognize the Right Campsite
Choosing a good campsite is a critical step in securing an area that works for you. Select a scenic spot that offers a beautiful view of the surrounding terrain. Pick an area where you can enjoy a great sunrise or sunset. If it’s within driving distance, perhaps travel there and drive around. Find one that you like the best. And remember, never select one right beside the bathhouse or bathrooms, unless you’re the type who only gets a 60-second warning before departures.
2. Choose Low-Competition Days
One of the best ways to ruin a good camping trip is to go when it’s crowded. If you prefer seclusion, choose dates that are less likely to be selected by other campers.
3. Buy Quality Bedding
Everyone likes to sleep comfortably. That’s a universal truth. Finding what works for you is important. For some, that’s a cushiony sleeping bag or air mattress. For others, it’s a cot. Try out a few options and go with what seems the most fitting.
4. Prepare for Weather
Never underestimate Mother Nature. Even with a clear forecast, she can still spring up. Rain proof the tent and other gear. Have precautions in place, such as canopies or pop-up tents, to wait out the rain under. And always take cover with more serious weather.
5. Wear Proper Clothing
Likewise, have good clothing. Take some rain gear. And make sure to bring clothing that matches whatever activities you’ll be doing throughout the day (or night) as well.
6. Beat the Bugs
No one likes getting bitten by bugs. And so, everyone should bring along whatever bug prevention method they like. Whether that’s an oil, spray, or electronic device, bring your preferred method of insect repellant.
7. Prep Meals in Advance
Some meals can (and should) be cooked at camp. But it doesn’t hurt to bring some pre-prepped meals, too. These should be non-perishable items, or at least something with a lengthy expiration date. Obviously, bring a cooler with ice to keep necessary items cold.
8. Have Some Entertainment
Don’t just rely on nature to provide entertainment. Bring some of your own, too. This is especially important if bringing kids, or even adults, who might be new to the camping scene. Cards, games, and other activities are fun ways to pass the time, especially when it’s raining.
9. Pack Both Necessities and Extras
Sure, you should definitely bring all necessities, such as bathroom items, first aid, medication, etc. But it’s also important to bring some of the extras that aren’t completely must-haves. Before leaving, walk around the house and grab items you’d like to take. Then, if there is room, take them.
10. Know Before You Go
Don’t wait until you go camping to learn how to camp. Some things you should know before getting to the timber. Some of these include how to set up the tent, how to use specific camping gear, what to do in the event of crossing paths with dangerous wildlife, where to go in the event of severe weather, etc.
Bonus: Read the Room
Once out there roughing it, it’s important to keep an eye on all attendants. See if they are or aren’t enjoying it. Because one thing is for sure, if it becomes a bad experience, they’re much less likely to go again. That includes yourself.
Article by: Josh Honeycutt