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Building Whitetails - How to Choose and Establish a Mineral Site

How do you choose the right location and mineral to maximize the impact on your deer herd? Josh is talking mineral and mineral site selection in this episode of Building Whitetails.

If you want to establish a mineral site to promote the overall health of your deer herd, you're going to have several considerations you need to take into account.

The first is where to place the mineral site so you can access it to keep it fresh, but not push your deer around. You'll also need to decide what mineral brand you are going to go with. Josh talks about what to look for in site and mineral selection to get you on the right path.

Of course, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you are doing things legally in your area. The regulations around supplemental feeding and mineral sites vary greatly from one state to the next, so make sure you fully understand the regulations that apply to you in your area.

If you are in a state or area that doesn't allow mineral sites, Josh has a partial solution for you as well.

Season prep is in full swing on this episode of Building Whitetails!

00:0 - Welcome to April
00:23 - The Importance of Mineral
01:09 - Where to Place Mineral Sites
02:12 - What to Look for When Choosing Mineral
2:51 - What if Mineral Isn't Legal in your State?
03:50 - Frost-Seeding Hype
04:36 - What's Coming Next

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