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Scout for Next Hunting Season Right Now

Scout for Next Hunting Season Right Now

The rut is upon us, and there's no better time to learn how to hunt next year's rut, than right now. Josh tells us how.

As hunters we have a tendency to think of every rut as new, fresh, and unique. In reality, the way a buck functions during the rut is more reliable than we think. While a buck may deviate from his normal routine during the rut, he typically ruts the same way year after year. Watching a couple nice bucks that are just a little young?

Now may be the perfect time to dedicate a camera or two to keeping up with them during the rut so you can learn their tendencies ahead of time, so when they do mature, you already have a book on how that deer acts during the run up to the best time of year.

Even though we're still hunting this year, we need to be thinking about gathering information for next year as well. With the rut already at the door, like it or not, this deer season is closer to over than beginning. It's never too soon to think about next year.

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