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Carrie Zylka of the HuntFishTravel Podcast | The SPYPOINT Podcast

Carrie Zylka, host of the HuntFishTravel Podcast joins us (finally) to talk about a recent three-state, three-day trip chasing great ice fishing in the upper-Midwest. Cell service and weather issues delayed getting the podcast recorded!

Carrie had planned to hit popular ice fishing destinations in South and North Dakota, as well as Minnesota at Lake of the Woods. As is often the case, things didn't go exactly as planned, but we go over the recap of what SHOULD have been an epic trip that you could make too.

From there we go into travel in general, as well as some of the best hunting and fishing destinations, common mistakes people make when traveling, and lots more.

Enjoy this crossover episode of the SPYPOINT Podcast with the host of The HuntFishTravel podcast, Carrie Zylka!

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