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John Wydner, Founder of Hunter Safety System | The SPYPOINT Podcast

John Wydner, Founder of Hunter Safety System | The SPYPOINT Podcast

September is Tree Stand Safety Awareness Month. As hunters return to the field, or are about to, making sure you are able to stay safe when you leave the ground is critical for having a successful season.

Tree stand safety has evolved a great deal in the last couple decades, as many things have in the outdoor industry. HSS has played a huge part in modernizing the tree stand safety harness, and in making it a valuable tool for the hunter, rather than just a hinderance they try to avoid using.

John talks about his own tree stand accident, how the HSS vest came to be, and why tree stand safety and advocacy is so important to him. Of course, John is also a hunter, so we talk about plans for the fall, and new products from the HSS family. If you've never heard the John's story, about how Hunter Safety System came to be, it's a great listen.

Many of you know that tree stand safety is something we all take seriously at SPYPOINT, because one of our own had his own tree stand accident. To learn more about that, and get tips from the Tree Stand Safety Awareness Foundation, you can check out this blog.

Autumn is all but here, deer seasons are opening. Let's all do what we can to stay safe in our tree stands.

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