Too early to start thinking about the rut? Not if you want to keep your best rut spots fresh when it arrives...
You may think that September is too early to be thinking about the rut, but if you don't know where you want to hunt when the action gets going, you don't know where to hunt now. One of the worst things you can do is burn a stand out. If you're in a stand every chance you get in September and October, the chances of it still being a good stand when November and the rut roll around are pretty slim.
Steven walks us through some of his favorite stand types and what common things they share to help you identify the stands you might want to save for later in the year. It's never to early to be thinking about your rut strategy, and which stand you'll be in plays a huge part in that, so take this chance to evaluate your thinking and make sure that this year is set up in your favor.
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